How to improve our education system?

Swati Yadav
2 min readAug 30, 2019


India is one of the biggest countries there is 125 crores population. the education has its backbone to the ancient ages where they followed the Gurukul. But nowadays the education system is followed modern technology because the system was changed during the colonial era when the British set up a modern education system confined to subjects such as Mathematics, Science etc. The modern system was the more oriented classroom.

Because the survey of world education ranking slipped India stand to 93 positions. This is a series of scams faced by the Indian education system. We need to improve our education cultural without proper education plan we don’t understate what is the real problem. First, one research what is a real problem and find it and resolve. Indian Education System has been synonymous with ‘Examinations’, ‘Board Exams’, ‘Entrance Exams’, ‘Marks’, etc. An understudy in India is left with the choices of browsing Science, Humanities or Commerce after he/she completes his tenth grade. Nonetheless, the pattern demonstrates that an ever increasing number of understudies are picking to travel to another country for further examinations in the wake of finishing their post-graduation in India. According to the insights of The U.S. Committee of Graduate Schools’ ideas of admission to Indian post-graduate understudies, the affirmations are up 25 percent for 2013–14 from the earlier year, contrasted with a 9 percent expansion for all nations.

How to improve our education system?

Everyone knows that education is a lifeline for any nation, so India can be doing hard work on education. the Indian government should make the best modern education plan. They can also work on school infrastructure and education book basic facility because many students cannot reach anything like books, school dress. So the Indian government can conduct a modern teacher training plan. When a teacher is learning good training then they teach our student so teacher modern training is so important factor for growing our education system and private schools should collaborate with government school. So DSIS faridabad is collaborate to government because we are one of the best school in Faridabad we know that our responsibility and grow our nation.

Read More: Where does India Rank In Education



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